Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Roasted Radishes Recipe

After one of my Farmer's Market adventures, I roasted some radishes.
They were amazing.
My whole family loved them, even my picky dad and brother. Raw radishes are usually bitter and spicy, but when they are roasted, they transform into a savory and sweet flavor. I would have never thought to roast radishes until I saw spoonforkbacon's recipe for them. This is one of my favorite food blogs. Her food is incredible.

Roasted Radishes Recipe:

2 bunches of radishes, washed and trimmed, cut length-wise
2 1/2 tbsp olive oil
1/2 lemon, juiced
salt and pepper, to taste

1. Pre-heat oven to 375 F.
2. Toss all ingredients together in a bowl and season with salt and pepper.
3. Spread onto baking sheet. Bake until radishes have crisp, brown edges and are tender.

Such an easy and quick recipe! You must try it! Make sure to visit the original recipe. Her pictures are beautiful.


Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Athens Farmers' Market

Farmers' Markets are amazing. Period. It is a dietitian's Chuck-E-Cheese. That might be a poor reference... those things are creepy. Athens has a really great farmers' market on Saturdays that I haven't been able to go to, but I go on Wednesdays instead. It is smaller but still fantastic.

Farmers' Markets are great because you are supporting local farmers, therefore, your city or town. At most Farmers' Markets, you can find vendors who are Certified Organic or Certified Naturally Grown, which means you know how they are treating your foods and they are not genetically modified. Another great thing to note is that you get more nutrients from foods that spend less time from when they are picked until you cook them. At grocery stores, most of the food has traveled a long way to make it onto your shelves, so their nutrient content has decreased. This is not usually the case at farmers' markets; they pick their food that day or maybe the day before. So, seriously, go check out your local farmers' market. Odds are that there is one near you or maybe you grow your own, which is even more awesome.

And here is what I came home with the first time I went to the market. Lacinato Kale, shiitake mushrooms, mint, and gomacio (a Japanese seasoning made of sesame seeds, garlic, dried seaweed, dried kale, and black pepper).

The second time I went, I came home with onions, radishes, lacinato kale, and the most delicious strawberries I've ever had. 

It's so exciting to know that your food is nutrient rich, where it came from, and that it's healthy for you. You feel good about what you are eating, which should honestly happen every time we eat. 

Another thing to note is that Farmers' Markets usually have some type of ethically and pasture-raised, hormone-free meats there too! They are always a great price and taste incredible. I picked up some grass-fed ground beef and pasture-raised groud pork when I was there too.

Enjoy the experience!
xoxo Britney

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

100% Organic Vegan Deodorant

One thing that I struggled with for a while, was whether or not aluminum was bad for you in deodorant. Knowing that it probably was bad for you, made me search for a more natural solution. First I tried Tom's... It was horrific. Sticky, runny, messy-- not to mention the sweat and B.O. It didn't work at all. So then I moved on to Secret's "natural" deodorant, which I knew had aluminum, but more "natural" other ingredients. I figured out that I was allergic to BHT, an endocrine-disrupting preservative which happened to be in this deodorant. Most deodorants have this preservative and many other harmful ingredients.

About two months ago, I decided to try another natural deodorant from North Coast Organics called Death by Lavender...... I was scared to death, even though Vegan Beauty Review said that she loved it. I even told my boyfriend to let me know if he ever noticed me smelling bad or funny. Well, it has been two months or more, and he said he hasn't noticed me ever smelling anything but lovely.

I know what you must be thinking. "She must not sweat a lot." "There is no way this deodorant works without an antiperspirant." Well, I actually never leave the gym without looking like I jumped in the pool. I've played volleyball, kick-boxed, ran, done hot yoga, and laid out with this deodorant on, and I still love it. It is basically a miracle. I like it because it comes in stick form. The only downside is that it doesn't want to stay together as well as normal stick deodorant, but I hardly think that that should deter you from getting away from those other harmful chemicals.
There are 8 ingredients and you can read them all and actually ingest them, though I don't suggest it. Another thing to note, is that it took my body about a week to adjust to not having aluminum in my system, so I was sweatier then and got an inflamed pore or two. Again, worth it. How does it work without an antiperspirant? It contains drying agents that mop up sweat naturally (corn starch and baking soda).

It's only $7.99 plus shipping, so give it a try. I promise you'll like it.
xoxo Britney

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Allergy Free Banana Nut Muffins

Today I made a version of Chocolate-covered-Katie's Single Lady Cupcakes in the form of Banana Nut Muffins and they were delicious. The single lady cupcakes are great because it makes one big serving or two normal-sized servings. These muffins are great because they are quick and easy so you can make them in the morning and finish getting ready while they bake! You won't feel bad for eating 15 muffins within 3 days either, because you are only making two. Another thing I like about them is that there are no special ingredients, these are things I always have stocked.