One thing that I struggled with for a while, was whether or not
aluminum was bad for you in deodorant. Knowing that it probably was bad for you, made me search for a more natural solution. First I tried Tom's... It was horrific. Sticky, runny, messy-- not to mention the sweat and B.O. It didn't work at all. So then I moved on to Secret's "natural" deodorant, which I knew had aluminum, but more "natural" other ingredients. I figured out that I was allergic to BHT, an endocrine-disrupting preservative which happened to be in this deodorant. Most deodorants have this preservative and many other harmful ingredients.
About two months ago, I decided to try another natural deodorant from
North Coast Organics called
Death by Lavender...... I was scared to death, even though
Vegan Beauty Review said that she loved it. I even told my boyfriend to let me know if he ever noticed me smelling bad or funny. Well, it has been two months or more, and he said he hasn't noticed me ever smelling anything but lovely.
I know what you must be thinking. "She must not sweat a lot." "There is no way this deodorant works without an antiperspirant." Well, I actually never leave the gym without looking like I jumped in the pool. I've played volleyball, kick-boxed, ran, done hot yoga, and laid out with this deodorant on, and I still love it. It is basically a
miracle. I like it because it comes in stick form. The only downside is that it doesn't want to stay together as well as normal stick deodorant, but I hardly think that that should deter you from getting away from those other harmful chemicals.
There are 8 ingredients and you can read them all and actually ingest them, though I don't suggest it. Another thing to note, is that it took my body about a week to adjust to not having aluminum in my system, so I was sweatier then and got an inflamed pore or two. Again, worth it. How does it work without an antiperspirant? It contains drying agents that mop up sweat naturally (corn starch and baking soda).
It's only $7.99 plus shipping, so give it a try. I promise you'll like it.
xoxo Britney